If you are working on something formal, such as argumentative articles or research essays, then you should use the third-person pronoun. This is because it gives your work an image of objectivity rather than personal thoughts. This aspect of objectivity will make your work seem more credible and less biased. In general, it is acceptable to use the first-person point of view in abstracts, introductions, discussions and conclusions, in some journals.
Even then, avoid using “I” in these sections. Instead, use “we” to refer to the group of researchers who were part of the study. The third person point of view is used to write the methods and the result sections. Consistency is the key, and shifting from one point of view to another within sections of a manuscript can be distracting and discouraging.
It's best to always review the author guidelines for that particular journal. Once this is done, make sure that your manuscript is free of the grammatical errors mentioned above or any other grammatical errors. In this perspective, you can decide to be more objective or write in a way that represents the character's thinking and reaction. Since the second person is avoided when writing in academic or scientific articles, the main confusion remains in the first or third person.
If you receive this feedback, you should consider reviewing your use of other points of view to writing your POS project in the third person. For academic writing, focus on a general point of view rather than that of a specific person to keep things in the third person. Alicia is a best-selling poet with Andrews McMeel Publishing and her work has appeared in numerous media outlets, including the NY Post, CNN, USA Today, HuffPost, LA Times, American Songwriter Magazine and Bustle. When you want to persuade the reader, it's best to avoid personal pronouns in academic writing, even when it comes to the personal opinion of the study authors.
Although this is a good technique for giving instructions, it is not appropriate in academic or scientific writing. In this case, you may be tempted to go back and use the second-person pronoun, which is very wrong for academic writing. In other types of writing, you can write in the third person by changing your focus from one character to another or focusing on a single character. The third person is used when a degree of objectivity is intended and is often used in academic documents, such as research papers and arguments.
In academic writing, sometimes you need to be replaced by nouns or proper names to create more formality or to clarify the idea. For academic purposes, writing in the third person means that the writer should avoid using subjective pronouns such as “me” or “you”. Enago Academy, the knowledge arm of Enago, offers comprehensive and up-to-date academic resources for researchers, editors, editors and students to learn and share their experiences of research and publication with the academic community. When choosing the appropriate point of view for academic or formal writing, consider the type and purpose of the assignment.
If you want to write using the third-person lens, keep in mind that you can mention the words and actions of the character of your choice at any point in your story. This means that the focus is on the writing rather than on the writer, so the voice is “this essay”, this review of literature or “this report”.